This website, is developed as an outcome of the master thesis that is instructed by A.Güliz Bilgin Altınöz, written by Tuğba Sağıroğlu, named Modern Period Urban Heritage Sites As Fragmented Contexts: Conservation Principles And Strategies For The Existing Traces And Components Of Hermann Jansen’s Adana Plan in Middle East Technical University Graduate Program in Conservation of Cultural Heritage.
The photos that are used in the website are obtained fromAdana’nın Eski Fotoğrafları, Adana Mimari Envanter Komisyonu and Reşatbeyliler Facebook groups and Ali-Silvia Özler’s photo archive. Hermann Jansen’ s plans are obtained from http://architekturmuseum.ub.tu-berlin.de/ website.
Technical support for developing the website is provided by Fatih Pense.
Tuğba SAĞIROĞLU sagiroglutugba@gmail.com
A.Güliz BİLGİN ALTINÖZ bilging@metu.edu.tr